Monday 16 July 2012

A cacophony of crap

I find poetry beautiful but pointless. I don't see what purpose it serves in society. I've always found it quite pompous when one refers to oneself as a poet because one’s proficiency in poetry shouldn't really come down to the ability to make one’s sentences rhyme with one another, should it? Surely the opinions of those reading your work should have a say in deciding whether you could be considered a poet? That's just my opinion. Moreover, I happen to find the analysis of poetry to be quite futile too considering that, majority of the time, the analysis does not have the seal of approval of the author. My interpretation of a poem could differ to that of another person's. It's all terribly subjective and I'm not just using that as an excuse not to read poetry. I just don't see a need to analyse and scrutinise poems.

Currently, modern-day hipsters are making an even bigger mockery of the art form by sullying the internet with blogs containing laughable posts paying ‘homage’ to EE Cummings - newly-crowned Quasi-God of all things indie - in addition to offering us their pitiful pieces of poetry. The latter, surprisingly, angers me more than the former as I don't believe that the legacy and legend of EE Cummings can be besmirched by these neanderthals. It is the artifice and reoccurring themes in most of their poetry that over-indulged bourgeoisie kids who happen to think that the answers to their living hell lie in over-sized clothing, marijuana and Mumford & Sons. I went to a private school after all!

After the above rant, you'd swear I'd never paste or let alone write a poem on this blog then? Wrong. Well, sort of. I don't plan on writing my own poetry per se, but I do have a number of extremely short stories if you like, which I wish to post on my blog for flamboyancy, among other things. No, not really. I make a joke. About flamboyancy that is. I hate to contradict myself, so absurdly in this instance, but in my defence (I’m practically staging a debate against myself!), I'm not here to communicate some cryptic or deep message to greater society because I realise that there are more pressing things to which people have to attend. It is simply a case of me clearing my mind of clutter. Lately I've been over-thinking, over-analysing and over-everything-ing profusely. And though I should not put my issues on other people, I need to put my mind out of its misery and so I will have to subject internet-users to the rubbish dump that is my brain at times. I apologise but in life, one has to be selfish and self-seeking so hypocrisy prevails over my better judgement here. Do try your utmost best to find some enjoyment in my stuff.

Thank you and again, apologies.

Wednesday 20 June 2012


I've been back from London for about two weeks and I still cannot get this vibrant city out of my head. I do not remember being this besotted with London when I paid my first visit to the city four years ago. Perhaps that could be due to the fact that I spent most of my time in central and west London. However, this time around, my dearest and best friend took me around north and east London which I have to say, are the best bits of this mesmerising metropolis. Brick Lane, Camden Town, Kentish Town, Hackney and Hammersmith. Although some of these places may be on the dangerous and edgy side of life, they are incredibly beautiful and stunning in their own right. Oh and did I mention just how beautiful and stunning the men in the East were? My word. I was blown away. Most of them seemed to be models or struggling somethings of some sort, which on most days I would not be massively fussed about, but it was London and I somehow found that quite appealing.

I ate all sorts of interesting cuisines - mostly from the side of the road and those dodgy-looking fried chicken joint selling veggie burgers, among other things. I did the tourist-y things such as taking photos near Buckingham Palace and Oxford Circus but yes, it was sublime. People in Britain may dislike the diversity of London and state that the city has become 'unBritish', but I feel as though THAT is what draws so many foreigners to the place. There seems to be a place for everyone. Moreover, the transport system as well as the club, pub, bar, fashion and cafe scene is way more exciting than what you would find in Burnley, for example (no offence to anyone from there). It's a pulsating city and I plan on making far more visits there in the near future.

Innit bruv? :)

Tuesday 22 May 2012

People enjoy disliking others. It gives them some sort of strength knowing that there's someone out there who irritates the living daylights out of them and someone about whom they can gossip. I find it pathetic that we cannot leave our high school ways behind. Hate is such a powerful emotion on which we waste so much time. It makes us sick and we should stop.

Monday 21 May 2012

Rien de rien

The love that I have for this woman is profound. Four years ago, our French teachers took us to the cinema and we watched the film 'La Vie en Rose' with Marion Cotillard who happened to be magnifique as Mademoiselle Piaf. Anyway, the music, the film, the fashion, Edith Piaf herself. Ah! It was all too sublime. It really made me love the language even more and I'd love to take up French again and return to the magical city of Paris.

I've listed some of my favourite Edith Piaf songs. She was an amazing artist. The French's answer to Billie Holiday. Beautiful, troubled, talented and incredibly captivating.


- La Vie en Rose
- Non, Je Ne Regrette Rien
- Padam Padam
- L'homme à la moto
- Milord
- Sous le ciel de Paris

Bisous! xxx

Sunday 20 May 2012

Nip and Tuck

Given the blog a much needed facelift. I hope you like it as much as I do. Things look orderly now and I actually feel as though I can start putting up posts without my eyes burning from the intense ugliness of my blog's template. I had myself a great weekend. A fat one to say the least...I've put on a couple of lbs but tomorrow is a brand new day and a brand new Khanya! :)

Love luv luuuurrve :)

Saturday 7 April 2012

Weight(ing) is difficult...

Waiting to lose weight is so difficult. I despise that moment when you get on the scale after weeks of gym and exercise but nothing budges. If anything, it bulges. I've become quite aware of my weight and body recently. Not that I intend on becoming a rake but I do intend on losing the weight that I've picked up recently. I know my metabolism is slowing down and I'd like to keep with the times now as opposed to later, when I'm already a chunky-munky.

Well, I better dispose of these chocolate chip cookies if I intend to do so. But it's my cheat-day and they're so good. Oh well...